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Meet Helli, our receptionist

Meet Helli, receptionist Villa Adeje Beach Hotel

Meet Helli, our receptionist

We continue to introduce you to the team of professionals that make up Villa Adeje Beach. In today’s blog post we introduce you to Helli, one of our receptionists. Don’t miss the interview!

“At Villa Adeje Beach you have a lot of connection with the costumer”

Helli is a receptionist and has been working with us for a year. His professional career began years ago as a reception assistant and he has worked her way up through the ranks with experience.

“Professionally, working at Villa Adeje Beach has been a big step forward,” says Helli. When asked what makes working at Villa Adeje Beach different from other hotels, Helli is clear: “It’s a family hotel, here you have a lot of connection with the client and you get to know them very well. Although he has only been at the hotel for a short time, there are already clients he has seen three or four times a year.

What is Helli’s daily life like at Villa Adeje Beach?

Helli and the other receptionists are the direct contact between the hotel and the clients. In addition to direct customer service, the hotel’s reception also encompasses the entire administrative side of the hotel (invoicing, receiving suppliers, etc.).

“We are the direct hand to be able to understand the clients and know what they want in order to help them”, says Helli. The reception coordinates all the services (kitchen, floors, maintenance…), centralising all the information and coordinating all the departments.

Villa Adeje Beach Hotel reception

“Every day there is something new, that’s what I like the most”

When asked what he likes most about his job, Helli highlights the direct attention to the customer. “What I like most is to understand what customers need so that we can try to give them the best possible service“.

Helli gives us the example of food. Although at Villa Adeje Beach we don’t have an à la carte restaurant and can’t cater for specific meals, we can cater for a dietary regime such as a gluten free or vegetarian diet. “By talking to the guest we can come to an agreement to make their stay with us a favourable one,” he says.

Every day there is something new, that’s what I like the most“, Helli confesses. In her work, there are new cases and new challenges every day, so you don’t fall into a routine.

Customer service at Villa Adeje Beach

As the other professionals have pointed out, Villa Adeje Beach has many repeat clients. “Our clients are like part of the family… even when they arrive in their own countries they let us know that they arrived safely,” says Helli.

Helli laughingly recalls some anecdotes with clients. A pool temperature of more than 40ºC or a room with a private jacuzzi inside are some of the most curious suggestions he has been asked for at reception.

The treatment with the client at Villa Adeje Beach is close and special. “There are many clients who ask us to take selfies with us because they liked the service,” he tells us.

Receptionist at Villa Adeje Beach hotel

The Villa Adeje Beach team, a big family

We are a big family here“. In his position, Helli has contact with all departments, as a customer request can influence all areas. “If one fails, we all fail. Every department counts when it comes to making a decision,” he says.

At Villa Adeje Beach we would like to continue introducing you to all the professionals who are part of this family. We are waiting for you!

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