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Meet Adriana, our cook

Meet Adriana our chef

Meet Adriana, our cook

Today on the blog of the Villa Adeje Beach Hotel we introduce you to Adriana from the kitchen team. Read on and meet our professionals!

Adriana’s day to day life at Villa Adeje Beach

Adriana has been working at our hotel as a cook for 4 years. She came to Tenerife from Venezuela 8 years ago and has been working in this sector for many years.
Her daily duties are very varied, as they depend a lot on the shift she works. “No two days are the same”, she tells us. Her tasks as a cook include the preparation beforehand, such as looking for the meat and vegetables, preparing and cutting the pieces, helping on the grill in the buffet… “The day to day is non-stop”, she says with a laugh.

“What I like most are the desserts”

When we ask Adriana about her favourite thing to do in the kitchen, she is clear: “What I like most are the desserts”. Customers, she says, always ask her for cakes and tarts, and she loves making them. “I always remember my mother telling me that the greatest satisfaction is that after preparing a meal they tell you how tasty it was“, Adriana comments.
In addition to preparing desserts, Adriana also highlights the preparation of cold dishes. “Cold dishes require more detail and decoration”, she tells us.

Dessert at Villa Adeje Beach Hotel

The Villa Adeje Beach team

Adriana highlights the teamwork at the Villa Adeje Beach Hotel: “What I like the most is the teamwork we have”, she says.
On a daily basis, Adriana and her colleagues help each other with the chores, especially at breakfast and dinner buffet: “That’s one of the best things, that we are really colleagues”.

How do you deal with customers?

In her daily work, Adriana spends a lot of time outside the kitchen making sure that everything goes smoothly in the buffet, so she has daily contact with the customers. “In general, the hotel guests are very grateful and empathetic towards the staff”, she says.
Adriana emphasises that at Villa Adeje Beach the clients are very friendly and sometimes even bring chocolates and gifts for the staff.
As an anecdote, Adriana laughingly tells us that she often asks for help from her colleagues to communicate with the clients in English, because although she understands them, she sometimes finds it difficult to speak it.

Villa Adeje Beach buffet

Continue to get to know our team of professionals, we look forward to seeing you at Villa Adeje Beach!

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